From the blog
What OS to use as a web developer (spoiler: It’s Windows)
When I set off to become a web developer in my own business around 5 years ago, I was eager to learn what seemed to be the right choices in terms of tools, frameworks and workflows. We were just two in the company, and, coming from a mixed background of writing everything more or less … Read more
Bundling rails apps on managed server
On a managed server where you do not have root access, but still would like to install some gems manually, you can install them locally – as in install them in your own user directory. This can easily be done with the following command: gem install somegem -v’1.2.3′ -i ~/mygems Then, the newly installed gems … Read more
Danish and other special characters with Ubuntu Linux on MacBook Pro
For a while I’ve been using Ubuntu Linux on my MacBook Pro. As a developer, or just someone who likes to be able to use standard keyboard commands in many applications, I find it convenient to use the English keyboard layout, even though the keyboard is fact Danish. So, until nowm I had to switch between … Read more
New job in Peytz Mail
This summer I turned my office-chair around to work in another department here at Peytz & Co – more specifically the Mail team. Here we are developing a very advanced platform for composing and sending out newsletters. The product is being used by prominent and demanding clients including Politiken, DR, FOA, Bonnier Publications, Beoplay, Storebaelt, … Read more